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Bedding  a Stock

£80.00 Contact Below for more details

Having a correctly fitting action to the stock fundamental to rifle accuracy. The term bedding refers to the fit and stability of a barreled action within the rifle stock. If the fit and stability of the metal work in relationship to the stock is poor, the rifle will be in-accurate. Bedding a rifle with epoxy resin is the optimum method of obtaining a correct fit, long term stock stability and optimum rifle accuracy.

A rifle stock is a crucial component of a rifle, providing structural support and serving as an interface between the shooter and the rifle. Let’s break down its key features:

The primary purpose of a rifle stock is to allow the shooter a repeatable point of contact in relation to the rifle’s aiming device. It provides stability and control during shooting, it also transfers recoil from the rifle to the shooter. It plays a critical role in accuracy, comfort, and control, allowing shooters to connect effectively with their rifles during shooting activities

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